State Auto Renewal Laws You Need to Know

Many business models rely on auto renewal contracts. Auto renewals provide a business with a reliable cash flow and they provide clients with reliable service. No one wants to come in on Monday morning to discover that the software they depend on is no longer available to them. However, auto renewals are also a frequent … Read more

The Kaplan Group Awards its 5th Annual $1,000 Scholarship

The Kaplan Group is pleased to announce that Karli Study has won our 5th annual $1,000 Scholarship!  Karli is in her third year of law school at Widener Commonwealth School of Law in Harrisburg, PA.  Karli’s winning essay is reprinted below and was in response to the following prompt:  SHOULD YOU SUE A CUSTOMER? Let’s … Read more

Negotiation Tips for Car Buyers (and everyone else)

As a collection agent and a business owner, I spend a lot of time in negotiations. I’m fascinated by how negotiation tactics vary from situation to situation. I try to learn from negotiations outside of work and apply them to my work, and vice versa. Ask my kids, I’m very good at using active listening … Read more

Reduce Stress by Collecting with Integrity

Economies are cyclical. For every upturn, there’s a downturn. When there is a downturn, unqualified collection agencies tend to spring out of nowhere. In 2011, during the Great Recession hundreds of un-trained collection agencies entered the market. Predictably, complaints about collectors’ abusive practices reached all-time highs. According to the Wall Street Journal, in 2011, the … Read more

How to Negotiate with Your Contractor

Whether you own or lease, real estate is a huge expense for any business. If you are planning on remodeling your space, or building a new facility, the expenses can skyrocket. Quality construction costs money, but that’s no reason to throw away money by failing to plan properly or negotiate with your contractor.  Negotiation is … Read more

How to Manage a Remote Team

Working from home, either full-time or part-time has become a popular option for both employees and business owners. More and more companies are becoming 100% remote.   Workers like working from home because it saves commuting time and money and can provide a great work-life balance. Employers like the ability to attract top talent (no matter … Read more

How to Handle Stress When You’re the Boss

Entrepreneurs report rates of depression and stress that are significantly higher than those of other people. According to the Gallup Wellbeing index, 45% of entrepreneurs report being stressed. Thirty percent of entrepreneurs report being depressed, compared to only 15% of the general population. It’s important that business owners and CEOs be aware of the risks … Read more

What Collection Agents Know About Hiring

If you Google “hiring negotiation” you’ll see hundreds of articles about how to negotiate a higher salary when given a job offer.  You’ll also get a lot of articles from the employer’s point of view about how to negotiate a lower salary.  But what so many of these articles overlook is that the negotiations involved … Read more

Don’t Try to Improve Weaknesses, Instead Focus on Strengths

If you’re the owner or CEO of a company, you’re probably familiar with what happens when you have a struggling employee. You sit down with the struggling employee and assess what they’re doing wrong. You ask them to improve and then, six or eight weeks later you assess their improvements. Sometimes things get better, sometimes … Read more

Is Your Credit Policy Costing You Money?

Write Offs Can Be Part Of A Profit Maximization Strategy No one wants bad debt. Everyone hates it when you do not get paid. But, is it possible that never having had a bad debt is a sign of a problem? Absolutely! Over the last few weeks, I’ve heard these comments from a few CFOs: … Read more

Ready To Collect Your Money?